“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” – John 1:1 Do your words give life to others? Let’s think about that concept for a second. Do the words you use and speak daily give life to the people around you? That’s a question that cuts deep and forces us to… View Post
Falling isn’t failing
Mary Pickford said, ” Falling is not failing, unless you fail to get up.” Change is difficult. When we make the decision to change a habit or behavior, it doesn’t feel great at first. Our brain works hard to keep us in our old patterns because it’s what feels better, safer, and more predictable. For example, what if you wanted… View Post
How a small run can motive you to reach your goals
This past weekend my husband and I were generously invited by some of our great friends to stay in their beautiful cabin. We had the place to ourselves all weekend, and it was incredible to spend all day reading, relaxing, playing games, and doing really whatever we wanted! Since my husband and I strive to live a healthy, active lifestyle,… View Post
7 steps to getting yourself out of a frustrated state of mind
Do you have those days, or weeks, where you have an overwhelming sense of frustration? Maybe it’s your job, maybe it’s your spouse or kids, or maybe it’s just life in general. Feelings of frustration consume a lot of us at times, and it’s hard to get ourselves out of that state of mind effectively. At least that has… View Post
Disempowering Word Swap
Words are the foundation of how we communicate with others and ourselves. They make-up our thoughts, and are the driving force behind our actions. They are what express our thoughts and how we perceive thoughts from others. How we use words can create or destroy. They can build people up, or they can tear them down. Words can inspire,… View Post